
Monday, 18 November 2013

It'S nEaRlYiSh cHrIsTmAs...

A few Christmas cards I made, inspired by my aunt...


There really easy all you need is a few buttons some card and pens and you have a lovely christmas card!
Hope you like!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

My OnCe A wEeK sKiN cArE rOuTiNe...

Once every week I do a big skin washy thing, in the week I stick to wash or a cleanse, but I like to do a big wash one on a Sunday! 

Liz Earle - Hot cloth Cleaner 100ml - £14.75
Simple - Face wash 50ml - £1.32
St Ives - Apricot face scrub 150ml - £4.29
Boots - Teatree & Witchhazel - Foaming face wash 150ml -  £3.59
Simple - Moisturising face wash 50ml - £ 1.28
Liz Earle - Instant boost skin tonic 200ml - £13.25
Liz Earle - Mouisturiser 50ml - £19.25

Lush - Pow Wow Lip scrub - £5.50
Pow Wow is no longer avalible but there are others!

Carmex - Lip balm - £2.89
I guarentee you will hate this when you first get it but soon after it's ok and really moisturises your lips.
I hope you liked and yes I do know I use 3 face washes but it does make my skin super soft!
Have a nice day!

Monday, 4 November 2013


During half term me family and I went to Cornwall, now I have been on many holidays to Cornwall though out my shortish life, we always have been to the same part and the same beach, Harlyn Bay. When we were younger we stayed in a little cottage about 100 yards from the beach this was great, and surf was also great.

The past two years we have stayed in padstow in a large house, this year we invited some friends to spend a couple of night with us as we had a big house. We had a lovely time and it went quickly as usual, I took so photos on the days we did stuff and thought I could show you (I doubt many of you are interested) but heyho...

I woke up one morning to this!

Walk along the headland!

Wevisited Tintagel & I mamaged to get some great photos.

All wrapped up and ready for a walk!

Harlyn Bay.

Another one.

A visit to St Ives; busy busy busy...

Looking out and over.

Wandering Seagull.

We visited a national trust house.

Golf cafe looking out!

Me and my da found htis liitle guy on Rock beach!
Another one!

Fishing boats coming in with the fish!

Blue Boat sailing!

A nAiL pOlIsH i'M lOvInG... - Ruby Gem

OK' so at the moment i'm really loving this nail polish called; Ruby Gem by Seventeen, quicker slicker colour. It was inexpensive at under £3 from boots, I actually got it on holiday in Padstow because I didn't bring any nail polish with me.

It's a very autumnal colour.
It's a reddy, deep colour with a hint of pinky purple.

I hope you like it!

A wAlL iN mY rOoM...

Ok so this is a wall in my room, well technically it's two walls but :/

I'm adding to this wall so its not completly finished but fo far...
Enjoy your day!